Karmma Calling, a compelling Hindi-language drama thriller series on Disney+ Hotstar, unfolds in the picturesque yet deceitful town of Alibaug, where a young woman, Karma Talwar, returns to exact vengeance on the families that had wronged her father two decades earlier. Portrayed by Namrata Sheth, Karma infiltrates the affluent community under the guise of a new resident. As she delves deeper into her plan for retribution, she unearths a labyrinth of secrets, lies, and illicit affairs, thrusting herself into perilous situations that threaten to unravel the fabric of the beachside town.
Karmma Calling Indian TV Series on Disney+ Hotstar
Karmma Calling Indian TV Series Plot:
In Karmma Calling, the story unfolds with Karma Talwar’s return to the affluent beachside town of Alibaug, where she spent her childhood. Disguised as a new resident, Karma is on a mission of revenge against the families that wronged her father two decades earlier. Her father’s past grievances fuel her determination as she navigates through the intricate social circles of Alibaug’s elite. As Karma immerses herself deeper into her quest for vengeance, she begins to unravel a web of secrets, lies, and hidden agendas that permeate the seemingly idyllic town. Along the way, she encounters various individuals, each harboring their own dark motivations and conflicting interests.
Karmma Calling Indian TV Series Cast:
The series boasts a stellar ensemble cast:
- Raveena Tandon as Indrani Kothari
- Namrata Sheth as Karma Talwar/Ambika Mehra
- Varun Sood as Ahaan Kothari
- Vikramjeet Virk as Sameer
- Rachit Singh as Vedang
- Viraf Patel as Zane Khan
- Gaurav Sharma as Kaushal Kothari
- Waluscha De Sousa as Dolly Bhatia
- Devangshi Sen as Mira Kothari
- Piyush Khati as Dash
- Amy Aela as Yana
- Ahmed Masi Wali as Krish
- Rohit Roy as Satyajit Mehra
Trailer: Karmma Calling Indian TV Series
You Can Watch here the Official Trailer of the Series.
Where to Watch:
Experience the twists and turns of Karmma Calling exclusively on Disney+ Hotstar.
Here are the Disney+ Hotstar Link to Watch: “Karmma Calling“.
Karmma Calling Indian TV Series Director:
Directed by the talented Ruchi Narain and produced by Ashutosh Shah under the banner of R.A.T Films.
The first season, comprising seven gripping episodes, premiered on January 26, 2024, plunging viewers into a whirlwind of suspense and intrigue.
Language Available:
The series is available in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, Kannada and Malayalam.
FAQs: (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Is Karmma Calling suitable for all ages?
Karmma Calling contains mature themes and is recommended for viewers aged 16 and above. - Are there plans for additional seasons of Karmma Calling?
While there haven’t been official announcements, the success of the first season suggests the possibility of future seasons. - Is Karmma Calling available with subtitles?
Yes, subtitles are available in multiple languages for viewers’ convenience. - What sets Karmma Calling apart from other thriller series?
Karmma Calling stands out for its intricate plot, compelling performances, and stunning visuals, creating an immersive viewing experience. - Does Karmma Calling stay faithful to the original series, Revenge?
While inspired by Revenge, Karmma Calling incorporates unique elements and twists, offering a fresh perspective to viewers. - Is Karmma Calling based on real events?
No, Karmma Calling is a work of fiction, although it draws inspiration from real-life themes and human emotions. - What makes Karmma Calling a must-watch series?
With its captivating storyline, stellar cast, and expert direction, Karmma Calling keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, making it a must-watch for fans of the thriller genre. - How can I access Karmma Calling on Disney+ Hotstar?
Simply log in to your Disney+ Hotstar account and search for Karmma Calling to start streaming.
Karmma Calling transcends the boundaries of traditional thriller dramas, weaving together a tale of betrayal, redemption, and the intricacies of fate. With its talented cast, gripping storyline, and expert direction, the series captivates audiences from start to finish, making it a standout addition to the Disney+ Hotstar lineup.
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