Land of Women is an upcoming comedy-drama series based on Sandra Barneda’s novel La tierra de las mujeres. The show stars Eva Longoria as Gala, a wealthy New Yorker whose life is thrown into chaos when her husband fails to repay a debt to dangerous criminals. Forced to flee the city, Gala, along with her aging mother Julia (Carmen Maura) and teenage daughter Kate (Victoria Bazúa), moves to her mother’s hometown in northern Spain. The series explores themes of family secrets, identity, and starting anew in a close-knit community.
Land of Women Upcoming TV Series Trailer Release
Land of Women TV Series Plot Summary:
The story follows Gala, who lives a luxurious life in New York until her husband’s financial troubles bring dangerous criminals to their doorstep. With her husband’s vanished, Gala must protect her family by fleeing to her mother Julia’s hometown in northern Spain. Julia, who left the town 50 years ago, returns with Gala and Kate, hoping to start over and keep their identities hidden. However, the quaint wine town is rife with gossip, and as rumors spread, long-buried family secrets and truths begin to surface, challenging the trio in unexpected ways.
Land of Women TV Series Cast:
- Eva Longoria as Gala: A well-to-do New Yorker facing a life-changing crisis.
- Carmen Maura as Julia: Gala’s aging mother who returns to her hometown after 50 years.
- Victoria Bazúa as Kate: Gala’s teenage daughter adapting to a new life in Spain.
Land of Women TV Series Production Team Details:
- Creators: Ramón Campos, Gema R. Neira, Paula Fernández
- Director: Carlos Sedes
- Producers: Bambú Producciones
- Executive Producers: Eva Longoria, Ramón Campos, Gema R. Neira, Carlos Sedes, Teresa Fernández-Valdés, Ben Spector, Sandra Condito
Episode Details:
Land of Women will consist of six episodes, with a two-episode premiere set for June 26 on Apple TV+. The series marks Eva Longoria’s first regular role since Telenovela, and she is also known for her iconic role as Gabrielle Solis on Desperate Housewives.
Land of Women TV Series Trailer:
The trailer for Land of Women introduces viewers to Gala’s tumultuous life change and the picturesque yet gossip-filled town in northern Spain. It highlights the blend of humor and drama as the characters navigate their new reality. The trailer is available on here.
Land of Women TV Series Release Date:
Land of Women will premiere on Apple TV+ on June 26 with the first two episodes available immediately. Subsequent episodes will be released weekly.
FAQs: (Frequently asked Questions)
1. What is the premise of Land of Women?
Land of Women follows Gala, a wealthy New Yorker, who flees to her mother’s hometown in northern Spain with her aging mother and teenage daughter to escape dangerous criminals.
2. Who stars in Land of Women?
The series stars Eva Longoria, Carmen Maura, and Victoria Bazúa.
3. When will Land of Women be released?
The show will premiere on June 26, 2024, on Apple TV+.
4. How many episodes are in Land of Women?
The series will consist of six episodes.
5. Who directed the Land of Women?
The series is directed by Carlos Sedes.
6. Who are the creators of Land of Women?
The show is created by Ramón Campos, Gema R. Neira, and Paula Fernández.
7. What themes does Land of Women explore?
The show explores themes of family secrets, identity, starting anew, and the impact of gossip in a small community.
8. Is Land of Women based on a book?
Yes, the series is based on the novel La tierra de las mujeres by Sandra Barneda.
9. Where can I watch the trailer for Land of Women?
The trailer can be viewed on Apple TV+’s official channel.
10. What is notable about Eva Longoria’s role in Land of Women?
Land of Women marks Eva Longoria’s first series regular role since Telenovela, and she also serves as an executive producer for the show.
Land of Women promises to be a captivating blend of comedy and drama, set against the backdrop of a charming Spanish town. With a strong cast led by Eva Longoria and a compelling storyline based on Sandra Barneda’s novel, the series is set to attract viewers looking for a mix of humor, intrigue, and heartfelt moments. Be sure to catch the premiere on June 26 on Apple TV+.
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