Maharaj Bollywood Movie Review: Should Watch Or Not

The Gujarat High Court has lifted its temporary stay on the release of Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan’s debut film, Maharaj. The film is now Available to stream on Netflix. The court ruled that the film, based on events related to the 1862 Maharaj Libel Case, was not intended to offend any community’s sentiments. Maharaj features Aamir Khan’s son, Junaid Khan, alongside Jaideep Ahlawat and Sharvari Wagh in key roles.

Maharaj Bollywood Movie Review

Maharaj Bollywood Movie Review

Maharaj Bollywood Movie Plot:

Maharaj tells the compelling story of Karsandas Mulji, portrayed by Junaid Khan, a determined social reformer who has been questioning societal customs and rituals since childhood. As he matures, Karsandas uncovers the sinister activities of a religious leader named JJ (Jaideep Ahlawat), who is sexually exploiting women under the guise of offering them salvation. Shockingly, Karsandas finds out that many women in society, including his fiancée, are among JJ’s victims. Determined to expose JJ and bring him to justice, Karsandas embarks on a challenging journey fraught with significant sacrifices.

Maharaj Bollywood Movie Cast and Performances:

Junaid Khan, in his debut film, is given a robust character and delivers a sincere performance. However, his acting lacks natural ease, indicating that he needs to work on becoming more effortless on screen. On the other hand, Jaideep Ahlawat is exceptional as JJ. His portrayal of the manipulative and calm-faced antagonist is chilling and stands out as one of his career’s best performances.

Maharaj Bollywood Movie Review

Shalini Pandey, as Karsandas’s fiancée, delivers a decent performance, while Sharvari Wagh impresses as a colleague smitten by Karsandas. Her authentic Gujarati accent adds a charming touch to her character.

Director Siddharth P. Malhotra excels in his role, presenting a balanced and hard-hitting film. He successfully tackles a challenging subject, creating a narrative that resonates with the audience long after the film ends.

What Works:

The film’s narrative may seem routine, but it is the execution that makes it stand out. The screenplay is crafted in a way that immediately draws the audience into Karsandas’s world. The film effectively depicts Karsandas’s evolution from a questioning child to a determined young man willing to sacrifice everything for his cause. This character arc creates a deep emotional connection, making viewers root for him.

Director Siddharth P. Malhotra and his team of writers deserve praise for their unflinching portrayal of JJ’s atrocities while maintaining a clear distinction between critiquing the exploitation of religion and religion itself. Karsandas frequently delivers logical arguments, highlighting the difference between genuine religious faith and the blind following of corrupt godmen. This balanced approach adds depth to the narrative.

The dialogues are another strong point, especially those delivered by Junaid Khan. His lines are often laced with irony and humor, making the audience laugh while simultaneously feeling his pain. These dialogues enhance Karsandas’s character, making him more relatable and endearing.

What Doesn’t Work:

The film is not without its flaws. Some songs feel unnecessary and could have been trimmed or omitted altogether, as they dilute the drama’s impact. Additionally, the court scenes, which are pivotal to the plot, could have been more substantial and impactful if given more screen time.

Maharaj Bollywood Movie Director:

Director: Siddharth P. Malhotra

Maharaj Bollywood Movie Rating:

Rating: 3.5/5

Where to Watch:


FAQs: (Frequently asked Questions)

  1. What is Maharaj about?
    Maharaj follows the story of Karsandas Mulji, a social reformer who battles against a corrupt religious leader exploiting women under the guise of salvation.
  2. Who directed Maharaj?
    Siddharth P. Malhotra directed Maharaj.
  3. Where can I watch Maharaj?
    Maharaj is available for streaming on Netflix.
  4. What makes Maharaj worth watching?
    The film’s compelling narrative, strong character arcs, powerful performances by Jaideep Ahlawat and Junaid Khan, and its balanced portrayal of sensitive themes make it worth watching.
  5. What are some criticisms of Maharaj?
    Some criticisms include unnecessary songs that dilute the drama’s impact and a court scene that could have been more substantial.
  6. How is Jaideep Ahlawat’s performance in Maharaj?
    Jaideep Ahlawat delivers an exceptional performance as JJ, portraying the manipulative and calm-faced antagonist with chilling effectiveness.
  7. Is Maharaj Junaid Khan’s debut film?
    Yes, Maharaj marks Junaid Khan’s debut in the film industry.
  8. What themes does Maharaj explore?
    Maharaj explores themes of social reform, the exploitation of religion, and the difference between genuine religious faith and the blind following of corrupt godmen.
  9. How does the film handle the subject of religious exploitation?
    The film handles the subject with sensitivity, clearly distinguishing between critiquing the exploitation of religion and respecting genuine religious beliefs.


Maharaj is a gripping drama that leaves a lasting impression. Jaideep Ahlawat’s powerful performance and Junaid Khan’s strong debut make it a must-watch. Despite its minor flaws, the film’s compelling storyline and poignant themes ensure it is a memorable viewing experience.

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