In 2024, JioCinema released “Murder In Mahim,” a captivating Hindi-language crime drama series crafted by the talented pens of Mustafa Neemuchwala and Udai Singh Pawar, under the astute direction of Raj Acharya. The stellar cast, featuring Vijay Raaz, Ashutosh Rana, Shivani Raghuvanshi, and Shivaji Satam, brings depth and authenticity to the narrative. Released on May 10, 2024, this series promises viewers an immersive journey into the labyrinth of crime and human relationships.
Murder In Mahim Indian Crime TV Series on Jio Cinema
Murder In Mahim Indian Crime TV Series Plot Summary:
Set against the backdrop of Mumbai’s darker alleys, Murder In Mahim delves into the intricate web of a murder case that unravels the hidden truths of longing, avarice, and hopelessness. Police officer Shivajirao Jende, accompanied by his retired journalist friend Peter Fernandes, ventures into the heart of the city’s underworld. Based on Jerry Pinto’s acclaimed novel, the series not only unfolds the mystery of the crime but also confronts the ghosts of their strained friendship.
Murder In Mahim Indian Crime TV Series Cast:
- Vijay Raaz as Shivajirao Jende
- Ashutosh Rana as Peter Fernandes
- Shivani Raghuvanshi as Firdaus Rabbani
- Shivaji Satam as Dullar Jende (Shivajirao’s father)
- Divya Jagdale as Millie
- Smita Tambe
- Rajesh Khattar as Leslie
- Sonal Jha as Shaheen
- Benafsha Soonawalla as Rehana
- Rohan Verma as Sunil
- Ashitosh Gaikwad as Unit
- Nishant Kkhanduja as Viral
Trailer: Murder In Mahim Indian Crime TV Series
Watch the intriguing trailer to get a glimpse into the gripping narrative of Murder In Mahim.
Where to Watch:
You can stream “Murder In Mahim” exclusively on JioCinema.
Here are the Jio Cinema Link to Watch: “Murder In Mahim”.
Murder In Mahim Indian Crime TV Series Director:
Director: Raj Acharya.
Murder In Mahim Indian Crime TV Series Writer:
Writers: Mustafa Neemuchwala, Udai Singh Pawar.
Language Available:
Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Marathi.
Episodes: 8
FAQs: (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Is Murder In Mahim based on a book?
Yes, the series is based on the highly praised novel Murder in Mahim by Jerry Pinto.
- Who are the lead actors in the series?
The lead roles are portrayed by Vijay Raaz, Ashutosh Rana, Shivani Raghuvanshi, and Shivaji Satam.
- What is the release date of Murder In Mahim?
The series was released on May 10, 2024.
- How many episodes are there in the series?
Murder In Mahim consists of 8 gripping episodes.
- What production companies are behind the series?
The series is produced by Tipping Point Films and Jigsaw Pictures Productions.
- Can I watch Murder In Mahim on any other platform?
No, the series is exclusively available for streaming on JioCinema.
Murder In Mahim offers a compelling narrative that delves deep into the complexities of crime and friendship, weaving together a gripping tale set against the backdrop of Mumbai’s underworld. With stellar performances and a captivating storyline, it is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas.
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