The Holdovers American Comedy Drama Movie Available to Watch on Amazon Prime

Delve into a heartwarming story of camaraderie and redemption with “The Holdovers,” a 2023 American Christmas comedy-drama film directed by Alexander Payne and written by David Hemingson. Set against the backdrop of a New England boarding school in the late 1970s, this captivating film follows the journey of Paul Hunham, a strict classics teacher portrayed by the talented Paul Giamatti. Forced to chaperone a handful of students who have nowhere to go for the Christmas break, Hunham finds himself embarking on a transformative adventure filled with unexpected discoveries and heartfelt moments.

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie on Amazon Prime

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie on Amazon Prime

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie Plot Synopsis:

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie on Amazon Prime

“The Holdovers” centers around Paul Hunham, a history professor at Barton Academy, an all-male boarding school, notorious for his stringent grading and uncompromising demeanor. When Hunham’s actions inadvertently lead to a student’s admission being rescinded, he is tasked with supervising a group of students who remain on campus during the holiday break. Among them is Angus Tully, whose canceled family trip leaves him stranded at Barton, along with the school cafeteria manager, Mary Lamb.

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie on Amazon Prime

As the unlikely companions navigate the challenges of the holiday season, they forge bonds that transcend their initial differences. Together, they confront personal demons, navigate unexpected adventures, and discover the true meaning of friendship and forgiveness.

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie Series Cast:

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie on Amazon Prime

  • Paul Giamatti as Paul Hunham
  • Da’Vine Joy Randolph as Mary Lamb
  • Dominic Sessa as Angus Tully
  • Carrie Preston as Miss Lydia Crane
  • Brady Hepner as Teddy Kountze
  • Ian Dolley as Alex Ollerman
  • Jim Kaplan as Ye-Joon Park
  • Michael Provost as Jason Smith.

Trailer: The Holdovers American Comedy Movie

YouTube (Focus Features)

Experience the magic of “The Holdovers” through its captivating trailer, which offers a glimpse into the laughter, tears, and unforgettable moments that await viewers.

Where to Watch:

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie on Amazon Prime

“The Holdovers” is available for streaming exclusively on Amazon Prime and ZEE5 offering audiences the opportunity to enjoy this poignant story from the comfort of their own homes.

Here are the Amazon Prime Link to Watch: “The Holdovers”.

Here are the ZEE5 Link to Watch: “The Holdovers”.

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie Director:

Directed by Alexander Payne, known for his masterful storytelling and keen insight into the human condition, “The Holdovers” promises to deliver a poignant and uplifting cinematic experience.

The Holdovers American Comedy Movie Writer:

David Hemingson’s poignant screenplay captures the essence of camaraderie, redemption, and the transformative power of friendship, making “The Holdovers” a must-watch for audiences of all ages.

Language Available:

“The Holdovers” is presented in English and Hindi allowing viewers to immerse themselves fully in the rich dialogue and compelling narrative of the film.


“The Holdovers” is a feature-length film, offering a single, cohesive narrative that unfolds over the course of 133 minutes.

FAQs: (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is “The Holdovers” based on a true story?
    No, “The Holdovers” is a work of fiction, inspired by the creative vision of the filmmakers.
  1. What is the genre of “The Holdovers”?
    “The Holdovers” is a Christmas comedy-drama film, blending elements of humor, heart, and poignant storytelling.
  1. Who are the main actors in “The Holdovers”?
    The film stars Paul Giamatti, Da’Vine Joy Randolph, and Dominic Sessa in lead roles, supported by a talented ensemble cast.
  1. When was “The Holdovers” released?
    The film premiered at the Telluride Film Festival on August 31, 2023, and was subsequently released in the United States on October 27, 2023.
  1. What is the runtime of “The Holdovers”?
    “The Holdovers” has a runtime of 133 minutes, offering audiences an immersive and engaging cinematic experience.
  1. What is the budget and box office performance of “The Holdovers”?
    The film was produced on a budget of $13 million and grossed over $44.1 million worldwide, receiving widespread acclaim from audiences and critics alike.


The Holdovers American Comedy Movie on Amazon Prime

Experience the heartwarming tale of “The Holdovers” as it unfolds on Amazon Prime, offering a poignant reminder of the transformative power of friendship, forgiveness, and redemption. Join Paul Hunham, Mary Lamb, and Angus Tully on a journey of self-discovery and camaraderie that will leave a lasting impression on audiences worldwide.

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